
Author Archives: Gabriel Zahra

Kijkavonds and Viewings

We all know that looking for housing can be a huge pain, from looking for room, to sending the perfect email, to then having to wow at a viewing or kijkavonds

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Winter in the Netherlands

Tips and Tricks for surviving your Dutch Winter like a Dutch pro, So gear up, eat some erwtensoep and head outside and enjoy your winter.

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Wokring in the Netherlands post Graduation

Tips and Tricks on Navigating Post-Study Life in the Netherlands and advice with recent graduate Belén

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We at International Students Work (ISW) are on a mission…

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Cold Temperature in the Netherlands

Are you already freezing? The Dutch Winter is right around…

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Greetings, ghost, ghouls and international students! As Halloween creeps around…

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Autumn in the Netherlands

It’s officially brown leaves and pumpkin spiced latte season. Are…

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Loonheefingskorting for International Students in the Netherland who work

‘Loonheffingskorting’, is something every international student should be aware of.…

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Do you want to start working, but don’t know whether…

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Student-Discounts- Netherlands

Are you ready to crack the code to living the…

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